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My lab:
Since you're on this obscure blog, you already know the latest creationist insult on human intelligence. With Ben Stein in the post headline I don't even have to mention the name of the movie.
I had originally decided not to contribute anything to this latest embarrassment for humankind. Man, I really hope there won't be any contact with aliens during my lifetime, because a creation museum and this movie is really too much evidence of human stupidity. They'd just note "no higher life forms here" and either move on or start colonizing,
But just now I stumbled across the latest part of the fantastic "Why do people laugh at Creationists?" series on YouTube:

In the video clip, Ben Stein himself shows why the movie should be called "flunked": he laments that "Darwinism doesn't explain gravity, thermodynamics, physics or how inorganic matter is turned into organic matter". OK, he didn't say it in one sentence, but almost. It's basically impossible to make more mistakes with as few words. This must be a record of some sort.
What struck me most about the clips from his statements and interviews was how he could say the above statements and not be laughed in the face! His statements there are tantamount to claiming to have invented a perpetual motion machine!

So here's my suggestion: cut a clip with just Ben Stein repeating his imbecile statements and then, if anybody asks why evolution should be taught in schools, just play this one clip. That ought to silence every critic.
Posted on Tuesday 22 April 2008 - 12:38:45 comment: 0

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