This session on Open Notebook Science is really interesting! Jean-Claude Bradley and Cameron Neylon advocate keeping your lab notebooks and your measurements (especially the autmated ones) completely open and transparent by posting everything online. Extremely enticing prospects, even though I constantly have to suppress the thought of "we don't have the right humans for communism". As much as I love the potential of Open Science for science and research, I'm just afraid it might fail due to human nature. But I'll definitely support and advocate it as much as I can (don't want to be blamed if something goes wrong!). See also this friendfeed thread. Right now, Cameron is talking about his machines automatically generating RSS feeds with the data they are generating in his lab. I'm getting more and more the impression that we haven't even begun to see the full potential of the web for science, let alone start to begin to implement it. Once we have come up with a way to digitize highly divergent scientific data into a format that is fully mineable, science will truly plunge into a new age. The semantic web, unified data access procedures, autmated data generation, this is the brave new world of science and research. This future is going to provide us with science progress at a speed vastly beyond our current wildest dreams! Alright, I'm all psyched up on these opportunities, I better stop typing now.
Posted on Saturday 17 January 2009 - 22:15:52 comment: 0
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