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Open Access taking off, part II: visions |
open access publishing #papester #icanhazpdf dropbox |
Posted on Thursday 17 January 2013 - 10:45:39 |
Even now the RWA was worth it for Elsevier |
Everyone is shouting it from the rooftops already: Elsevier has dropped its support for the Research Works Act. As mentioned before, to me, this doesn't change my stance towards corporate publishers one bit. A...[more] |
Elsevier publishing rwa |
Posted on Monday 27 February 2012 - 17:25:42 |
An oligarchy of Mega-Journals |
An oligarchy of Mega-Journals is what PLoS One publisher Peter Binfield envisages for the not-too-distant future of scholarly publishing. In his recent presentation at the Society for Scholarly Publishing meeting, embed...[more] |
PLoS publishing journals mega-journals Binfield |
Posted on Wednesday 08 June 2011 - 13:38:27 |
The three infrastructure crises in science |
A recent flurry of posts and discussions prompted me to summarize a connected set of issues that I haven't really seen covered simultaneously elsewhere. I don't doubt everyone's aware of the issues, I just haven't seen a...[more] |
libraries publishing infrastructure data software |
Posted on Thursday 18 October 2012 - 21:28:48 |
Open Access taking off, part III: concerns |
...[more] |
open access publishing societies |
Posted on Thursday 17 January 2013 - 11:02:24 |
Are journal prices going up or down? |
When I describe the behavior of corporate publishers with regard to scholarly communication and tight library budgets, I usually illustrate my point with the following graph: ![]() Clearly, subscription costs have increased exo...[more] |
open access publishing costs profits publishers libraries |
Posted on Thursday 17 January 2013 - 15:00:07 |
The first signs of a scholarly publishing revolution? |
...[more] |
revolution publishing swartz maxwell jstor publishers |
Posted on Thursday 21 July 2011 - 23:57:05 |
A fistful of dollars: why corporate publishers have no place in scholarly communication |
With roughly four billion US$ in profit every year, the corporate scholarly publishing industry is a lucrative business. One of the largest of these publishers is Anglo-Dutch Elsevier, part of Reed Elsevier. According to...[more] |
open access publishing elsevier RWA SOPA OSTP corporation |
Posted on Tuesday 10 January 2012 - 13:07:36 |
This could happen to you: Harvard scholar indicted for downloading too many journal articles |
Aaron Swartz (blog), internet activist and former Harvard Scholar (Harvard Ethics Center Lab on Institutional Corruption) has been indicted by the federal government of the USA. Recent resports in a number of outlets (...[more] |
revolution publishing swartz maxwell jstor publishers |
Posted on Thursday 21 July 2011 - 11:12:23 |
The "Research Works Act" is a distraction that works |
You only have to search for "Research Works Act" or look for the #rwa hashtag on Twitter or follow the increasing number of people signing on to the petitions against RWA. You will see that this piece of intended US legi...[more] |
rwa publishing publishers libraries distraction profits |
Posted on Friday 27 January 2012 - 18:09:56 |