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My lab:
Open Access taking off, part II: visions

In our article, we describe our vision of libraries taking over the archiving and making accessible of scholarly articles, as I have suggested here numerous times. However, this vision does not immediately address the pr...[more]
open access   publishing   #papester   #icanhazpdf   dropbox   
Posted on Thursday 17 January 2013 - 10:45:39

Even now the RWA was worth it for Elsevier

Everyone is shouting it from the rooftops already: Elsevier has dropped its support for the Research Works Act. As mentioned before, to me, this doesn't change my stance towards corporate publishers one bit. A...[more]
Elsevier   publishing   rwa   
Posted on Monday 27 February 2012 - 17:25:42

An oligarchy of Mega-Journals

An oligarchy of Mega-Journals is what PLoS One publisher Peter Binfield envisages for the not-too-distant future of scholarly publishing. In his recent presentation at the Society for Scholarly Publishing meeting, embed...[more]
PLoS   publishing   journals   mega-journals   Binfield   
Posted on Wednesday 08 June 2011 - 13:38:27

The three infrastructure crises in science

A recent flurry of posts and discussions prompted me to summarize a connected set of issues that I haven't really seen covered simultaneously elsewhere. I don't doubt everyone's aware of the issues, I just haven't seen a...[more]
libraries   publishing   infrastructure   data   software   
Posted on Thursday 18 October 2012 - 21:28:48

Open Access taking off, part III: concerns

open access   publishing   societies   
Posted on Thursday 17 January 2013 - 11:02:24

Are journal prices going up or down?

When I describe the behavior of corporate publishers with regard to scholarly communication and tight library budgets, I usually illustrate my point with the following graph:


Clearly, subscription costs have increased exo...[more]
open access   publishing   costs   profits   publishers   libraries   
Posted on Thursday 17 January 2013 - 15:00:07

The first signs of a scholarly publishing revolution?

revolution   publishing   swartz   maxwell   jstor   publishers   
Posted on Thursday 21 July 2011 - 23:57:05

A fistful of dollars: why corporate publishers have no place in scholarly communication

With roughly four billion US$ in profit every year, the corporate scholarly publishing industry is a lucrative business. One of the largest of these publishers is Anglo-Dutch Elsevier, part of Reed Elsevier. According to...[more]
open access   publishing   elsevier   RWA   SOPA   OSTP   corporation   
Posted on Tuesday 10 January 2012 - 13:07:36

This could happen to you: Harvard scholar indicted for downloading too many journal articles

Aaron Swartz (blog), internet activist and former Harvard Scholar (Harvard Ethics Center Lab on Institutional Corruption) has been indicted by the federal government of the USA. Recent resports in a number of outlets (...[more]
revolution   publishing   swartz   maxwell   jstor   publishers   
Posted on Thursday 21 July 2011 - 11:12:23

The "Research Works Act" is a distraction that works

You only have to search for "Research Works Act" or look for the #rwa hashtag on Twitter or follow the increasing number of people signing on to the petitions against RWA. You will see that this piece of intended US legi...[more]
rwa   publishing   publishers   libraries   distraction   profits   
Posted on Friday 27 January 2012 - 18:09:56

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