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Does starvation-resistance in flies without octopamine explain differences in sucrose preference and15 Nov 12: 17:47Christine Damrau, Julien Colomb and Björn Brembs12.88 MB2970Not rated
Role of Octopamine in walking behavior and sucrose responsiveness15 Nov 12: 17:44Christine Damrau, Julien Colomb and Björn Brembs12.18 MB3029Not rated
Identification and localization of the Protein Kinase C requirement for operant self-learning in Dro10 Oct 12: 23:45Julien Colomb and Björn Brembs1.34 MB3313Not rated
What role does octopamine play in behavioral control in Drosophila10 Oct 12: 23:41Christine Damrau and Björn Brembs1.9 MB3370Not rated
Hide if you cannot fly: behavioral plasticity in flightless Drosophila12 Nov 11: 15:58Björn Brembs20.17 MB2937Not rated
Drosophila courtship: Male hybrid vigor after crossing isogenic lines?23 Mar 11: 21:33Madeleine Gilles, Yasmine Graf, Saskia Rughöft, Kirstin Leinhoß, Björn Brembs728.36 kB3563Not rated
The dFoxP gene is necessary for operant self-learning: Implications for the evolutionary origins of23 Mar 11: 21:32Brembs, Pauly, Schade, Mendoza, Pflüger, Rybak, Scharff, Zars1.31 MB2846Not rated
The Drosophila FoxP gene is necessary for operant self-learning: Implications for the evolutionary o14 Nov 10: 20:41Björn Brembs3.2 MB1919Not rated
The what and where of operant self-learning mechanisms in Drosophila29 Jul 10: 18:45Julien Colomb, Ezequiel Mendoza, Diana Pauly, Sathishkumar Raja, Björn Brembs994.98 kB1966Not rated
Unattractive males can sire attractive sons in Drosophila melanogaster29 Jul 10: 18:42Björn Brembs, Saskia Rughöft, Kristin Leinhoß572.92 kB3519Not rated
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